On Friday, February 4th, 2011 the America was informed the National Unemployment rate had dropped to 9% after a dismal jobs growth number of less than 40K. A statistical impossibility if you only consider the jobs growth to population ratio, but the equation is based upon so many other factors. Many speculate that these numbers from the DOL are intentionally skewed by the powers that be.
Whatever the truth of the matter is, I agree with the following statement on U-Cubed’s Facebook page last Friday:
Screw the unemployment numbers. If you're unemployed, the only number that matters is 1: You! Tell Congress to stop talking numbers and start talking jobs.
The announcement came in a site wide announcement from Acting Executive Director
Ur Union of the Unemployed, Rick Sloan and read:
Dear UCubed Leaders & Activists:It’s time Congress stop talking numbers and start focusing on real people whose lives and careers have been destroyed. Show your support for the unemployed. Head over to UCubed's page on Facebook and sign up today!
The unemployment rate is now 9.0 percent. Only 36,000 jobs were gained in the month of January.
Those numbers grate on those still out of work – especially those who have exhausted 99 weeks of unemployment benefits and the 62 percent who never qualified for benefits. When you’re unemployed, the only number that counts is ONE – You.
You need a job. You need to get back to work. UCubed sees that. We’re fighting for you. Not for statistics.
UCubed renews its call for the White House and Congress to pass job-creating policies that put every American idled by this Great Recession back to work. We renew our call for a 21st century Works Progress Administration that will immediately create jobs while rebuilding our country’s failing infrastructure and manufacturing sector. And, we demand a Tier V for folks who have exhausted their 99 weeks of benefits.
“Share” the UCubed page on Facebook by posting the link to your news feed and/or sending a message. http://www.facebook.com/ucubed
Whether or not you agree with what I am doing for the cause, I urge you all not to allow the opportunity to have behind your efforts this powerful resource of the IAM union in it’s incarnation of U-Cubed. Join the fight today and spread the word.
****See the press release at: http://www.unionofunemployed.com/blog/recent-news/ucubed-launches-new-facebook-campaign-in-response-to-january-unemployment-report/ Go there and PLEASE hit the LIKE button!!
Remember the deadline for U-Cubed State Directors nominations is rapidly approaching The beginning of March so get those forms in and stay involved. Winners get Week long Hollywood, MD training session and if elected the post duration of duties id for a 2 year term.