Jason Tabrys, NY Liberal Examiner today announced his 99ers Aid Twitter Event will take place February 15, 2011 at 8PM EST
“Forsaken by the United States Government and vilified by some, America's long term unemployed, the 99ers, have strained to let their voices be heard.
On Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 8PM EST join us for #99erAID, a twitter chat designed to bring 99ers, 99er advocates, and journalists together to discuss the latest 99er news and strategy ideas for the growing, peaceful movement."
The event will be moderated by @99erAID (Examiner.com’s Jason Tabrys) and all who participate are asked to use the hash-tag #99erAID in their tweets. The hope is to trend on Twitter of course but more important than that, to inform, inspire, discuss and strategize the means to have a real positive impact to influence real solutions to this growing problem.
From Jason Tabrys’ (@99erAID ) Twitter Bio: Hosting #99erAID a twitter chat for 99ers, advocates & journalists who want to discuss the latest 99er news & strategy ideas for the growing & peaceful movement http://twitter.com/99erAID
The @99erAID twitter is up and running so all of you in Twitterville PLEASE follow him there for all updates leading to this event! I will see everyone there.
“Forsaken by the United States Government and vilified by some, America's long term unemployed, the 99ers, have strained to let their voices be heard.
On Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 8PM EST join us for #99erAID, a twitter chat designed to bring 99ers, 99er advocates, and journalists together to discuss the latest 99er news and strategy ideas for the growing, peaceful movement."
The event will be moderated by @99erAID (Examiner.com’s Jason Tabrys) and all who participate are asked to use the hash-tag #99erAID in their tweets. The hope is to trend on Twitter of course but more important than that, to inform, inspire, discuss and strategize the means to have a real positive impact to influence real solutions to this growing problem.
From Jason Tabrys’ (@99erAID ) Twitter Bio: Hosting #99erAID a twitter chat for 99ers, advocates & journalists who want to discuss the latest 99er news & strategy ideas for the growing & peaceful movement http://twitter.com/99erAID
The @99erAID twitter is up and running so all of you in Twitterville PLEASE follow him there for all updates leading to this event! I will see everyone there.