Japan Earthquake 2011: Nuclear Plant Explosion, No Radiation Rise #prayforjapan

Contrary to reports at The Huffington Post, the explosion at the massive Tokyo Power Electric Co. Fukushima Dai-ichi plant did not cause a rise in radiation levels.

AlJazeeraEnglish on YouTube just issued a new video, the one above, reporting that the metal container that shelters the reactor has not been effected. Radiation is not rising, but decreasing. This information was released by the Japanese Government.

The blast was originally feared to have caused a radiation level increase. Four workers were killed.

Al Jazzera reports that a state of emergency has been declared for five nuclear reactors at two different sites in Fukushima.

As of this writing, the Japan Earthquake 2011 death toll is at 600, although it's believed that number will be revised upward as time progresses.