Celebrity Apprentice Star Gary Busey Weighs In On Wisconsin Protests

To say that Celebrity Apprentice star Gary Busey is outspoken is an understatement. Just ask him for his view on The Wisconsin Protests, as this blogger did at the Night Of 100 Stars Oscar Party last Sunday. Here's Gary, with fellow acting legend Ed Asner at the Oscar Party, below.

 Busey's take on Wisconsin starts at the 3:56 mark, but he says "I think America is finally learning to turn the dump over, and get rid of the bull BEEP, and turn it on the people who are part of the middle class, and celebrate being part of this country."

That's just a taste of the Gary Busey you're going to see on Celebrity Apprentice tonight on NBC. But if you're wondering what all of the fuss is about over the legend that is Busey, here's another taste.

Gary's known for being in over 120 films, such as A Star is Born, as "Buddy Holly" in The Buddy Holly Story, for which he earned a "Best Actor" nomination in 1978.  Of late, he's taken a number of roles where he plays himself, the most recent example the reality TV show by Donald Trump.

Off-camera Busey's known for his off-center, free-sprited, yet interesting personality. He's also known for a motorcycle accident in 1988, where he almost died because he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Fortunately Busey survived, and is now enjoying an entertainment rebirth of sorts on The Celebrity Apprentice.