99ers, We Must Organize and We Must Fight

This "99ers, We Must Organize and We Must Fight" article appeared today in the From the Trenches World Report.com blog and echoes what I have been reporting for nearly a year.

"The mainstream propaganda is all abuzz with the effects current world events are having on the New York Stock Exchange. If any of you took the time to download and watch Zeitgeist III – Moving Forward you know that the stock exchange is in no way an indicator in reference to our economy. It is in fact no more than the ultra rich’s score board to show who is steeling the most from whom.
There has not been one damn word in reference to the 99ers, though it does seem we may be gearing up for another Middle Eastern war at a million dollars a year per soldier. Of course there is no expense too great when it comes to helping other countries. Hell, we’ll just add it to our debt. Our grandchildren can afford it.

I swear, I just want to get a bullhorn and stand out in front of the White House and scream at the top of my lungs, “We are not stupid enough to believe another word you say, you bat-eared son of a bitch.” The fact is neither Obama nor any other scum bag serving in our government has ever seen a hungry day in their lives. I wonder how much we paid for the latest party Obama threw to honor the legacy of Motown. These bastards are beginning to make Marie Antoinette look like Mother Theresa.

God knows we do not want a French style revolution in our country. But I’m beginning to believe that the elite do. You see starving us out in the cold just isn’t killing us quickly enough. If our enemies could only find a way to get we the people to divide ourselves into two camps and start killing one another, maybe they could get us out of the way faster which would allow them to get back to enjoying their lives of luxury.

If the United States goes into Libya and our Congress allows the expenditure without Obama showing how it will be paid for, it must be considered the final wad of spit in our faces. And I’m telling you I believe they are going to do it, as the CIA has already helped the rebels to form a new government. They would not have gone to this trouble unless they had a plan that involved spending billions more dollars that could be going to help the 99ers.

I don’t know how but we have got to find a way to assert the power we possess – now. Wouldn’t it be nice if the CIA would come and give us money to organize a rebellion against the totalitarian dictatorship we are living under? But then that is never going to happen because it is no longer America for Americans, but rather America to the highest bidder.

We cannot let up. We cannot slow down. We must organize and we must fight."

[You can read the rest of the article HERE]

So why is it that the millions of Americans screwed over for so long by Washington and the corporate elite refuse to take to the streets and DEMAND their rights? Have we not had enough of the rich "HAVES" taking every advantage that money can buy them at the expense of the American poor and middle class? What is it going to take to revolt?

Cindy Paoletti, long time 99er advocate came up with a novel idea to have ALL UNEMPLOYED in America stop spending money for 2 days this month, in a type of economic protest on behalf of 99ers who Congress and Obama continue to allow to suffer inexcusably. She has been Tweeting the following: #99er boycott Mar. 15 & 16 Don’t spend money anywhere! PLZ - need support from employed people too and it is catching on like wildfire. Please tweet out to all fellow unemployed on your Twitter list and to ALL Politicians & Media contacts as well.

We must do everything at our disposal, including using social media - YES - BUT we also MUST get out in the streets and fight for our very survival. The only thing that is going to wake up Washington is for millions of Americans to take to the streets in every corner of this country and make known that we are MAD as HELL and are NOT GOING TO TAKE it ANYMORE - And KEEP DOING SO until We WIN this fight.