Sean Penn And Scarlett Johansson Confirmed Their Relationship In Public

Sean Penn And Scarlett Johansson Confirmed Their Relationship In Public

Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson
Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson have finally confirmed their relationship. Although it has long time been talking about their love, they have avoided appearing together to events that involve hordes of reporters and photographers. However, before half of Hollywood came together at the wedding of actress Reese Witherspoon. Apparently they appeared and acted like two teenagers in love.
Together they went to the party, but before they went home, stood in a bar, had a drink and ate a sandwich. According to witnesses, Scarlett then sat in Sean lap and they kissed for fifteen minutes as if they were alone in the world. They were first seen together on a romantic vacation in Mexico, where they are also quite wildly behaved. According to the story of her friend, the actress is totally in love with Sean.