Daniel Craig (James Bond) In Drag, Dame Judy Dench On International Women's Day

Daniel Craig, who plays James Bond 007, and "M" well-represented by Dame Judy Dench, team up once again to make this effective video for International Women's Day, and WeAreEquals.org.

According to We Are Equals: "The two-minute short, specially commissioned for International Women's Day, sees 007 star Daniel Craig undergo a dramatic makeover as he puts himself, quite literally, in a woman's shoes."

This video, directed by Nowhere Boy Director and Conceptual Artist Sam Taylor-Wood, written by Jane Goldman from Kick Ass is the first James Bond movie or video to be directed by a woman.

In the video, Bond walks into an interrogation room under one light, as M starts peppering him with a series of questions on everything from pay inequality for women to domestic violence. Then M asks "For someone with such a fondness for women, I wonder if you’ve ever considered what it means to be one?"

Bond then walks off camera, then comes back into the interrogation room dressed as a blonde woman in drag. As M continues her questions, Bond wipes away a tear, and takes off his wig.

"Bond is challenged by M to think about gender inequality, says Sam Taylor-Wood, "and I hope that the film encourages viewers to do the same. Despite great advances in women's rights, statistics show that when it comes to the balance of power between the sexes, equality is far from being a global reality. As M reminds Bond, facing up to gender issues and the sometimes covert nature of sexism in the 21st century is something that we all have to recognise, confront and challenge."


Frankly, I wish society would tackle Racism with the same gusto.

Meantime, hats off to Daniel Craig, Dame Judy Dench, Sam Wood-Taylor, Jane Goldman, and Barbara Broccoli, the producer of James Bond, and "Equals," the campaign for awareness.