It started today when I received the following message on my Facebook Paladinette UnemployedZealot page:
Message today from
Ali Velshi February 6 at 7:15am please stop posting links on my wall
you are welcome to comment on matters I post, but use your wall to post your links. ---
My reply: Noted and reported to the 99er Nation!
I then proceeded to UNLIKE the Ali Velshi Page as I only follow on Facebook to connect with those where the 99er Nation's message is freely debated and conversed.
Then I commented: Sorry I know we need to use the Media for OUR GAIN but anyone who REALLY CARED about the 99ers not just the RATINGS they could provide would NOT mind 99er news posted where 99ers could see it.....
Next came my Tweets: #99er Nation PLZ RETWEET @alivelshi sent me this on FB: please stop posting links on my wall you are welcome to (cont) http://tl.gd/8l7e2b
I then proceeded to UNLIKE the Ali Velshi Page as I only follow on Facebook to connect with those where the 99er Nation's message is freely debated and conversed.
Then I commented: Sorry I know we need to use the Media for OUR GAIN but anyone who REALLY CARED about the 99ers not just the RATINGS they could provide would NOT mind 99er news posted where 99ers could see it.....
Next came my Tweets: #99er Nation PLZ RETWEET @alivelshi sent me this on FB: please stop posting links on my wall you are welcome to (cont) http://tl.gd/8l7e2b
Then I posted Zennie's link about Ali which to me proved he (Velshi) was just another pompous rude journalist and not the God send many in the 99er Nation feel he may be.
Next I was slammed, ridiculed, bashed and told I had to apologize. Nothing new as opposing opinions do not phase me in any way. But I will not apologize for simply exposing the truth. If the truth hurts Oh fricken well! Deal with it!
Fact is, 99ers need to stop GROVELING - stop cow towing and begging! If you want media coverage then MAKE NEWS! Media doesn't only cover people they LIKE - THEY COVER NEWS! MAKE NEWS instead of waiting on the kindness of Washington or the Media as you will NEVER FIND IT there!
I did rescind my remark about Ali being an A** Wipe though the troll community continued their inane remarks which fall on deaf ears from my end...YAWN. Then I recorded the video message below: Gooooo Packers!!!!! As not even idiot trolls can ruin a Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!