Bill O'Reilly, Obama, and Puppy Bowl, Before Super Bowl XLV

Waiting for Super Bowl XLV to start at 6:30 PM EST, 3:30 PM PST, and wondering what to watch? Unless you're at a party, or a great San Francisco Bar like The Republic in The Marina, you've got the Fox Super Bowl XLV Pregame, which featured Bill O'Reilly in a pretty good interview with President Barack Obama. You've also got The Puppy Bowl.

The Obama O'Reilly interview was proforma - Obama batting questions about the redistribution of wealth (not intended the President says) and his hardest aspect of the job ("Being in 'The Bubble,' as he puts it.) It's nice to see Bill as less combative than he was in the past, but then he's got to be careful because Fox News and Bill-O getting a live White House interview's no small deal.

I'm sure he wants another one.

Bill should ask for a do-over, because as I think about it, it was crappy. Bill didn't give the sitting President time to answer questions. He acted like he was nervous.

Now, I didn't watch the online Puppy Bowl, and while I'm sure it's cute, the sound of it smacks of having puppies do things they don't really want to do and all for a little media buzz to make sponsors happy.

I get that, but with dogs?

Bring on Super Bowl XVL.